Annual Report FY 19/20

We are pleased to present the FOP Australia Annual Report. for FY 19/20

Although COVID-19 has impacted our fundraising abilities in the first half of 2020, we have been incredibly lucky to raise over $50,000 which has enabled us to donate $25,000 to international research with $12,500 specifically for IFOPA’s new gene therapy program and $12,500 for IFOPA’s ACT for FOP Grant Program.

We are thankful for everyone who has supported us during 2019/20 and helped contribute to this fantastic outcome. We will continue to update the community on the progress of both these programs.

The remaining $25,000 has been allocated to support activities such as the Support Grant Program launched in July 2019 and our next patient gathering.

For FOP Awareness Day in April 2020 we launched the #FunFeet4FOP campaign with colourful rainbow socks. This campaign was a great success with photos received from around Australia and New Zealand and involvement from Ipsen. Thank you to Paul Archer for sourcing and donating the socks to us, to Alison McAlpine for selling many pairs of socks around New Zealand and to all our community that got on board by purchasing socks and sharing pictures on the day.

You can read more about what we have achieved in the report, including our financial statements and independent auditor’s report. Please join us at the AGM on Tuesday 1st of December 2020. Registrations are required at

I hope that the community will continue to work with us as we aim for the goal for a cure of FOP. Now more than ever it is important for us to band together in order to achieve this.

Thank you for your continued support.

Support Grant Program – Round 2 Open for applications

As part of our goal to support people living with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, FOP Australia is proud to launch the second round of our Support Grant Program to enable people with FOP (or their direct caregivers) to apply for direct financial support for items or activities that help them live with FOP.

This round of grants is now open and will close on the 31st of May 2020.

Printable copies of the application form are attached here, and can be sent back to marked CONFIDENTIAL in the subject heading. As we understand some people may have limited access to printing and scanning facilities we are also trialing an online application form, which is accessible here using the password Grant1.

Please read the full Terms Of Reference before applying.

We are grateful to our independent panel of experts who will assess and rank the applications:

  • Dr Felicity Collins, Geneticist, Sydney Children’ Health Network
  • Mrs Georgie Hyder, Occupational Therapist, Central and Northern Adelaide Health Service
  • Ms Michelle Davis, Executive Director, International FOP Association

The returning officer for this round of grants will be Jada Carr assisted by Lydia Scott.

Jada Carr has volunteered her time to assist in this process which will remove the issue of the returning officer and their immediate family being unable to apply for a grant. For this round of grants Jada will be assisted by Lydia Scott. All applications will be confidential and only accessed by Jada and Lydia.

If you have any questions about the program please do not hesitate to email us at

FOP Australia Newsletter – March 2020

We are pleased to present our first newsletter for 2020, read it here !!

Find out about:

#Sockfie4FOP #FunFeet4FOP and our campaign for FOP Awareness Day on April 23

How to roll overseas with a wheelchair by Ollie Collins

Support Grant Program

and more!!


Annual Report 2018/2019

FOP Australia are proud to release the  Annual Report for financial year 2018/19 which was presented to members at FOP Australia’s Annual General Meeting on October 29th.

We are pleased to announce that due to a overwhelming successful fundraising year we have been able to donate $75,000 to research, with $70,000 going to the International FOP Association (IFOPA) and $5,000 to the Shore Lab at the University of Pennsylvania. This would not have been possible without the ongoing support of our community.

Although we are incredibly proud of the contribution to FOP research, this year the board has also reflected upon how we can fulfill the organisation’s mission to also provide support to people with FOP and their families. During the 2018/19 year the Support Grant Program was prepared for launch, thanks to the help of our independent selection and advisory panel: Michelle Davis from IFOPA, Dr Felicity Collins and occupational therapist Georgie Hyder. This has been launched since the end of the 2018/19 financial year, so please stay tuned for further updates.

This year has seen several families in our region face a new diagnosis of FOP. As we welcome them to FOP Australia, this highlights the critical importance of expediting the work towards a cure, and of supporting each other through a disease that is poorly understood.

Also this year we initiated our first FOP Australia and New Zealand Community Survey. It was an important step for the Board to receive direct feedback on key issues and strategic priorities. The survey was sent to all members of the Australia and NZ families and patient group. We had 31 people respond with further details provided in our annual report. Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey, it helped us to prioritise our goals for the future and gave us a benchmark to work with.

You can read more about what we have achieved in the report, which includes our financial statements and independent auditor’s report, and ideas for how you can help.

Thank you again for your support in 2018/2019, and we look forward to sharing more exciting news with you soon.

2019 Annual General Meeting

July 2019 Newsletter: Fundraising news, survey results, grant program launch and more!

Catch up on the latest news from FOP Australia in our July newsletter:

In this edition….

– Fundraising: Thank you for making 2018/19 FOP Australia’s best fundraising year ever!
– Community survey: results and actions
– Support grant program: first grant round now open

… and more!


Missing out on your FOP Australia newsletters? Join/renew as a member here.

Community Survey Results

Thank you to everyone who participated in our first FOP Australia and New Zealand Community Survey. The survey was sent to all members of the Australia and NZ families and patient group. Pleasingly we had 31 people respond and now have some concrete insights, feedback and data to help inform board activities.

The top three strategic priorities:

  1. Advocating for access to a treatment when available– 87% ranked this as the number one priority
  2. Build and maintain links with academic centres and pharmaceutical companies to bring up to date trial and drug information/opportunities to the FOP community – 84% ranked this as the second priority
  3. Connection with IFOPA and other international FOP communities was ranked the third highest with 68%

We shared the concept of working together to develop a patient family gathering within the next five years. It is clear from your feedback that this is something of particular importance and value to people with FOP.  We will be sharing more ideas of how we could start to plan for this and will be asking for volunteers to get actively involved through joining a working group.

We were delighted to hear how much you agreed that the information you receive through FOP Australia is informative (94% agreed) and relevant (97% agreed). Facebook is the most followed social media platform and our quarterly newsletter, website (, Facebook and email announcements is how the majority of you prefer to receive news/announcements.

We have opportunities to improve the communities understanding of when you should reach out to FOP Australia, who you could get in touch with and how you would do this. As an immediate first step we have updated our online board member profiles which should help with this.

Continuing to raise awareness, fundraise, advocate with key members of the communities in which we live remain key to our success more broadly. Many of you in the survey expressed you own personal interest to play your part with these.  We have added a page on our website to help you create a fundraiser, and you can find out about ongoing fundraising activities as well. We will continue to try to make it easier for you to know how to get involved and support you in any way as we continue to advocate for treatment when available and building our relationship with the broader international FOP community including drug companies.

Feedback from the survey has informed our strategic planning for 2019/2020, directly impacting our Key Performance Indicators chosen for this financial year. We will share more from the survey and actions at our Annual General Meeting in October.

Meet Brooke

Brooke’s FOP Journey…..

Most stories about Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva start from a young age, my story is different.

FOP for me, is only a relatively new “friend” since 2009 when I was diagnosed at the age of 29. My journey up to this date is different to many of the FOP stories for which I am very grateful.

I led a fairly normal childhood, I participated in sports such as netball and horse riding and as a teenager tried ice skating and ice hockey (which I hated!) Looking back there may have been signs that my FOP “Friend” was with me, such as my noticeable walk which included fast small steps with my head down, and my stiff neck, but as I have normal toes and no known flare ups as a child FOP went undiagnosed.

From my early 20’s when I first noticed lower back pain I found myself in the public and private hospital system. I was moved around from doctor to doctor all unsure of what exactly was the problem. It was clear that I had something going on but no one was quite sure what to do about it which lead to many years of misdiagnoses and unnecessary testing.

In 2009 I had what I now know as a significant flare up in my neck. The lump was biopsied in 5 different places and at the same time I had a CT on my neck, abdomen and pelvis. It was during the investigation of the CT that the radiologist suggested that maybe it was FOP, however, that would be rare given my age and my normal toes. After this I had genetic testing where the doctor also said it was highly unlikely it was FOP as he has seen a patient previously with the condition, the results came back and confirmed that indeed I had FOP but a variant form which had only been reported in one other patient at the time.

Since that time I have learnt what living with a progressive rare disease means, it is often very isolating, being diagnosed as an adult at a time when friends are planning their lives was and is a hard thing to cope with. The “P” in FOP stands for progressiva, meaning the condition will progress, I don’t know when but it will. Not knowing when and having this out of your control is extremely hard to deal with. One thing you don’t get told when you are diagnosed is that you will get a new family, your rare disease family. For me my family is spread far and wide, I have not met most of my family in person but they are always there for support and guidance on any topic without judgement, without them this journey would be immeasurably hard. There are only 17 people in Australia and 2 in New Zealand that have FOP, we are a small but close knit group who rely on each other for support, I am grateful for their help in times of need.

I am very lucky given my late diagnoses and unnecessary invasive procedures to be reasonably mobile. I am married to my husband Brendan and we live with our 2 pets Penny and Gracie. I currently work 4 days a week and I am a director of FOP Australia the charity founded to help people in Australia and New Zealand. I recently completed a Diploma of Business (Governance) under part scholarship from the Women’s Leadership Institute Australia and Institute of Community Directors Australia. I hope the knowledge that I have gained from this course will help FOP Australia and our community as we move forward towards a treatment for FOP.

Parents Dean and Jennifer at Brooke’s graduation (2009) – 7 months prior to diagnosis

Brendan, Rach, Brooke and Julie in Sydney (2010)


With Fred Kaplan at The University of Pennsylvania (2014)

First grant application successful!

FOP Australia have succeeded in their first ever application for a government grant in the latest round of The Department of Social Services Volunteer Grants.

The guidelines allowed us an opportunity to apply for funds to access Zoom videoconferencing software so that we can better communicate with our members at the Annual General Meeting, communicate more efficiently at board meetings, and hold information sessions for our community. We did not want to use donated funds for this purpose, so this gives us a great new opportunities to work more efficiently and communicate better, without compromising funds for our organisation’s main goals.

If there is a topic you would like to have an online video information session about, please suggest it to us at

International Clinical Council on FOP release updated edition of treatment guidelines

The International Clinical Council of FOP and consultants have released a new edition of The Medical Management of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva: Current Treatment Considerations.

In the accompanying editorial, corresponding authors Prof Fred Kaplan and Dr Robert Pignolo emphasise thatthis document reflects the authors’ experience and opinions on the various topics and classes of symptom-modifying medications, and is meant only as a guide to this area of therapeutics for an ultra-rare condition for which evidence-based information is limited”.

This replaces the previous edition released in 2011, which has been a valuable resource for families and clinicians around the world. The authors note that “With ongoing clinical trials and additional ones on the horizon, we anticipate that this document will be updated annually – more frequently if needed.”

FOP Australia are very grateful for the work of the ICC, and will be sending a copy of the new edition directly to all the FOP families and clinicians registered with us over the coming days. Please note that this document can also be accessed by the permanent  ‘Medical Treatment Guidelines’ link visible at the top of every page of this website.