Invitation to join the 2025 Coffee Club: Support people with FOP for the cost of a coffee per week

Happy new year! In 2025, we  need your help more than ever to support people with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva and their search for a cure.

The FOP Australia Coffee Club is a planned giving program where you commit to give the price of a takeaway coffee ($5)  each week of the year towards research and support activities to improve the lives of people living with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. In just a few clicks you can sign up online here for your donations to be deducted automatically  as $20 per  month in 2025. Receipts will be issued automatically by email after each monthly transactions.

As a thank you for your generosity, after you sign up you will be posted  one of our popular reusable FOP Australia Eco-Cups.

Especially at this difficult time for all charities, this planned giving program plays an important role in helping FOP Australia be sure that we can keep our small charity going. So thank you for considering signing up to the 2025 Coffee Club and sharing this invitation with others.

Please note:
– Secure online payment facility is provided by Stripe. Payment details are secure and are not viewed or stored by FOP Australia.
– Recurring donations of any amount can also be set up any time through our GiveNow facility
Manual  Coffee Club forms are also available upon request through if preferred.

– FOP Australia Eco-Cups are also available for individual sale online here

Once you enter your payment details at our secure online payment facility, $20 per calendar month will be automatically transferred for each remaining calendar month of this year. Maximum total cost $240. Your payment details will not be viewed or stored by FOP Australia. Your contact details will not be released to any third party.

Join/renew your FOP Australia membership for 2022/23

Have you renewed your FOP Australia membership for 2022/23?
Remember that you have to be a current member to nominate to join the board, or to vote at the Annual General Meeting. Our AGM date will be confirmed soon, so sign up now to make sure you don’t miss out!
General membership is $10 per year for most people. Lifetime membership is free to people with FOP, and clinicians who treat people with FOP or are interested in learning more – contact to register if this applies to you.
You can sign up with a few clicks here (using our secure payment platform) or email the PDF form on that page (followed by bank transfer).

THANK YOU for your support for the 2020/21 financial year: Fundraising announcement

FOP Australia are very proud to share that during the 2020/21 financial year the FOP community in Australia and New Zealand gave $68,762 to support the global effort to support people with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva and their fight for a cure.

Despite the challenges of fundraising during a global pandemic, requiring many planned events to be cancelled or changed, this is an increase over $18,000 more than the previous financial year. This is a great credit to the passion and commitment of our community, who found an amazing variety of ways to show their support.

  • Fundraising activities ranged from selling books, running a half-marathon (solo!), collecting old car batteries for scrap metal, and hosting a footy tipping competition. It was amazing to see many events organised by people who have not held fundraisers before, including new community members.
  • It is also very moving to see a large number of individual direct donations this year. At a time when many people are struggling, this show of support means more than ever.
  • The wide range of non-financial contributions made by volunteers to facilitate activities and keep our small charity running are also vital and sincerely appreciated.

The FOP Australia board is comprised of volunteers who are deeply committed to our shared goals, and to maximising the benefit of all your generous donations and hard fundraising work. In keeping with our prospectively announced KPIs for the 2020/21 year:

  • 50% of funds, totalling $34,381, raised will go to the global research effort. This will be used to invest in a range of research initiatives in order to maximise our impact on progress towards a cure.
    • As part of the contributions to research, $5000 will be given to the Shore Lab at the University of Pennsylvania, to support their ongoing efforts in to understanding this disease. This work on the foundational science of FOP forms the basis for many potential future therapeutic options.
    • Half of the remaining sum, totalling $14,690.50 will go towards the gene therapy campaign. This will be contributed via the IFOPA “In Pursuit of a Cure” program.
    • The remaining sum $14,690.50 will be invested in other drug development initiatives co-ordinated by IFOPA, and the board will work with IFOPA staff to determine where this can have maximal impact. In previous years, this has included support for the ACT for FOP grants which have identified and investigated multiple potential approaches towards effective treatment. This is also contributed via the “In Pursuit of a Cure” campaign, bringing our total campaign contribution to $29,381.
  • Aligning with feedback from our 2019 community survey we continue to build capacity to plan another in-person patient gathering, and as such 25% of funds raised ($17,190) have been put aside for this purpose. Although this may not be able to be facilitated for some time, recognising that this a high priority for the community, and will be one of our largest upcoming investments, we continue to work towards this.
  • The remaining 25% ($17,190) has been allocated to enable support activities. This will continue to include our Support Grant Program and will allow opportunities to explore more ways that we can support and advocate for people with FOP and their families.
  • Because of the generosity and ongoing work by volunteers and supporters, it has not been required to allocate donated funds from this financial year towards administration of the charity. Planning in previous years has enabled sufficient financial reserve to cover our ongoing operational costs, which we continue to minimise as much as possible in order to be sure that every contribution goes to support people with FOP and their fight for a cure.

Thank you for your support during the 2020/2021 financial year. Every contribution to FOP Australia – small and large, financial and non-financial – is very, very appreciated.

April 2021 Newsletter: FOP Awareness Day Trivia Night, profiles, and more!

Check out our latest newsletter here for stories about:

  • FOP Awareness Day April 23rd: Online Trivia Night
  • FOP Awareness Day online information campaign
  • Profiles of Brooke and Oliver
  • Thank you to fundraiser Rory

Previous newsletters are available here. Make sure you don’t miss out on the latest news by subscribing to future editions – join the mailing list here.

Updated FOP Treatment Guidelines from the International Clinical Council

The International Clinical Council for FOP have provided a update to the FOP Treatment Guidelines.
The Treatment Guidelines cover many topics; a good place to start is the Executive Summary of Key Practice Points (Section II). We also suggest you review the Table of Contents where you can click any topic to be taken to that section.
There are 4 new topics this year in Section V – Special Medical Considerations in FOP:
  • COVID-19
  • Dermatology & FOP
  • Nutrition, calcium, and vitamin D guidelines
  • Aids, assistive devices and adaptations.
A general recommendation on page 5 of the Guidelines is that “Each patient should have a primary physician who is willing to consult with an FOP expert and help coordinate a local care team.” We highly suggest that you share the 2021 Guidelines with your local primary physician and care team.”
We are grateful to Drs. Kaplan and Pignolo, Corresponding Editors of the FOP Treatment Guidelines, and the other physicians and dentists from around the world who spent many hours reviewing published literature, discussing clinical practice and writing the 2021 Guidelines.
There is a link to the  Updated Guidelines April 2021 at the top of every page on this website.

FOP Australia – February Newsletter, Rare Disease Day, FOP Quiz Night!

In our February Newsletter!

Rare Disease Day

Support Grant PRogram

Quiz Night – Save the Date!

IFOPA’s advocacy Series

Team Keely Fundraiser

Read more at this link!!



Dean Jamieson – They Called Me Lightning – Book Fundraiser


Dean Jamieson (Father of FOP Australia Chair Brooke Scott) has published his first book “They Called Me Lightning”.

The book is his story starting at the age of sixteen where he left school to chase his dream to be a real-life cowboy. The book describes tales of fear, adventure, survival and growing up whilst working on outback stations in SA and NT in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s.

Part proceeds of the sale of any books will support FOP Australia.

Thank you to Dean for supporting us!!

You can contact Dean and purchase a book at this link or via email to

December Newsletter: Thank you, Battery Drive Fundraiser, IFOPA news and more!!

Thank you for your support in 2020! You can read all the FOP Australia and New Zealand news in our December Newsletter


Annual Report FY 19/20

We are pleased to present the FOP Australia Annual Report. for FY 19/20

Although COVID-19 has impacted our fundraising abilities in the first half of 2020, we have been incredibly lucky to raise over $50,000 which has enabled us to donate $25,000 to international research with $12,500 specifically for IFOPA’s new gene therapy program and $12,500 for IFOPA’s ACT for FOP Grant Program.

We are thankful for everyone who has supported us during 2019/20 and helped contribute to this fantastic outcome. We will continue to update the community on the progress of both these programs.

The remaining $25,000 has been allocated to support activities such as the Support Grant Program launched in July 2019 and our next patient gathering.

For FOP Awareness Day in April 2020 we launched the #FunFeet4FOP campaign with colourful rainbow socks. This campaign was a great success with photos received from around Australia and New Zealand and involvement from Ipsen. Thank you to Paul Archer for sourcing and donating the socks to us, to Alison McAlpine for selling many pairs of socks around New Zealand and to all our community that got on board by purchasing socks and sharing pictures on the day.

You can read more about what we have achieved in the report, including our financial statements and independent auditor’s report. Please join us at the AGM on Tuesday 1st of December 2020. Registrations are required at

I hope that the community will continue to work with us as we aim for the goal for a cure of FOP. Now more than ever it is important for us to band together in order to achieve this.

Thank you for your continued support.

In Pursuit of a Cure: FOP Gene therapy research program launches with support from the Australian and New Zealand FOP community

FOP Australia are excited to support the launch of an exciting new research program in to potential treatments for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva.

Because FOP is caused by a single gene mutation, therapies that can act at the genetic level to edit, silence or “turn off” the affected gene hold a lot of potential promise. But research into these therapies is in very early stages, and a lot of work is still needed.

The International FOP Association have announced that the  first research grant for gene therapy will go to the University of Massachusetts, and because of the generous donations of people in Australia and New Zealand, we are proud to pass on $12,500AUD raised during the 2019/20 financial year to help get this exciting and important program off the ground.

On August 27th 2020, IFOPA hosted an online presentation explaining the potential for this research program, shared below:

Another $12,500AUD from the 2019/20 financial year will also go to the IFOPA ‘ACT (Accelerate Cures and Treatments) for FOP Grant Program’, a competitive research grant program facilitated by IFOPA to identify and support projects from all around the globe that can help develop potential therapies for this disease. Thank you to everyone who has continued to support FOP Australia and people living with FOP in Australia and New Zealand during this challenging  year – your ongoing generosity is amazing, humbling, and deeply appreciated.

Learn about other key milestones in the global research effort on our updated  Research page.