If you are experiencing financial hardship as a result of the extra costs associated with a disability or medical condition, you may be eligible for an equity scholarship that are offered by individual institutions. To apply, an application needs to be submitted through the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) (NSW and ACT) or QTAC EAS (QLD). Current students can also apply as well as those hoping to be offered a place in higher education the following year. Many institutions offer scholarships to students suffering financial disadvantage. Investigate scholarships that may be available at the institution you are interested in, searching with key words such as ‘equity’ or ‘access’. Although less common than scholarships, concessions for students with disabilities are available at some institutions. To find out details about concessions or fee exemptions, contact the institution directly.
The Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training offers Disability Practitioners, teachers and students information, advice and resources on inclusive practices within the post-secondary education sector.
Local disability employment service providers are located throughout the country offering support and assistance in finding and maintaining work in open employment.
It is against the law to discriminate against anyone in the workplace because they have, or are assumed to have, a disability. Under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 employers must make reasonable adjustments for a person offered employment, or to an existing employee with disability, to enable them to perform the genuine and reasonable requirements of the job. The Federal Government provides financial assistance to purchase work related modifications and services through the Employment Assistance Fund.