Jamberry Facebook Event

To kick off Rare Disease Day, FOP Australia with the help of Shan Carty – Independent Jamberry Consultant held an online fundraiser with Shan generously donating her commissions from the sales of Jamberry products to FOP Australia.

The Facebook event started on Monday 29th of February to coincide with Rare Disease day, and remained open until Sunday 13th of March. Throughout the event Shan run random games with some great prizes.

We are thrilled to say at the end of the event, we raised $902.

Thank you to everyone who supported this event and a big thank you to Shan for her hard work and for making the event fun and enjoyable!

If you still don’t know what Jamberry is, head over to Shan’s Facebook page to find out more she is more than happy to answer your questions, and if you are based in Melbourne contact her about a Jamberry Party

Rare Disease Day celebrations

One of the objectives of FOP Australia is to educate the community about FOP.

Rare Disease Day was held on February 29th, on this day Lara and her son Jarvis who has FOP visited Junction Park State School in Queensland wearing yellow to support the day.

Lara gave a talk about FOP and helped the school to learn about the most common clue to FOP which is malformed big toes.

Thank you to Junction Park State School for your support, we raised $443 on this day which will help us with our patient event in June.